Domain Name Price Increase

July 17, 2020

Domain Name Price Increase

On August 1st, we’re increasing prices on some domain extensions registered through Chroma Studios.

  • .com domain extensions remain the same.  $21.95/year
  • .net and .org domain extensions will now be $25/year (formerly $22.95 and $23.95)
  • .biz domain extensions will be $26.00/year (formerly $23.95).
  • .info domain extensions will be $26.00 (formerly $23.95)

Originating prices that we pay are increasing, and the change is a reflection of that fact.

FAQs on Domain Name Pricing

Q: Why do some resellers register domain names for as little as $8 or $9?

A: There are several reasons.

  • One is that their base price for .com names is a “loss leader.” The domains are sold below costs to bring people into their system and sell some of those customers additional services on which they will make a profit.
  • Two is that you may pay significantly more at renewal time, making up for lost money.
  • Three is that larger companies get better originating prices than small independent agencies like Chroma Studios.

As a small reseller, our domain acquisition and renewal costs range from a low of $13.50 to $20.50 and above. We do not have a loss leader program, nor do we increase prices for renewal.

Q: If I have a website with Chroma Studios, do I have to register my domain name with Chroma Studios?

A: No. You May Register Anywhere. But you should understand what is included in our pricing.

Our business model includes domain management services; many domain resellers do not. Do you know how to make your domain name actually point to your website? Work with your email? Do you know the difference between A Records and C Names? Most low-costs domain providers assume you will be logging in to their control panel to take care of these things.

At Chroma Studios, you are paying us up front to take care of your “DNS settings,” along with any problems that may crop up over the years.

When a (pick your favorite Large Internet Service Provider) server in New York screws up your domain name’s DNS records, we take care of that, rather than charging you hundreds of dollars in IT mediation services.

Q: Am I saving money by registering with a low-cost domain provider?

A: Sometimes, maybe, but don’t count on it.

When a customer comes to us with a cheap domain they have registered elsewhere, we now have a fair amount of work to do in logging into an unfamiliar control panel and adjusting the domain controls to do what you want. If it’s not our domain, we’re going to have to charge you for that time.

If something goes wrong with that cheap domain, and you need us to fix it, we’re going to charge for that time..

If you are never notified that your cheap domain is expiring and you lose it; that’s not our job.

Q: But I have multiple domain names registered with Chroma. That can add up to a big expense!

A: Yes it can. Do you need all those domains?

Many of our customers are still under the mistaken impression that owning multiple domain names will help them show up in Google. While there might have been something to that years and years ago, it is absolutely NOT true today. Multiple domains WILL NOT help you be found online.

There are still valid reasons to have multiple domains, but they should be carefully considered. One of the most common is so that no one else can own the name. But there are so many domain variations possible today, that you cannot pre-emptively own all the ones that might be related to your business.

You may have some special domain names for use in advertising, business cards, or with email systems.

But in general, pare down your lists to save expenses. Having too many domain names in your portfolio is not doing you any good at all.

If you have any questions or would like learn more about how Chroma Studios handles your domain names or can tackle your business’s unique challenges, give us a call at 724-523-3001 or Contact Us today.  We’re eager to help.

Domain Name Price Increase
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