Hi, how can we help you?
Make a Support Ticket
No login needed. Describe your request by filling out the ticket form.
You may also start a new ticket by emailing us at support@chroma-marketing.com
Chroma Client Portal
Login to the portal to create tickets, manage projects, and see billing details.
You may request access to the portal by emailing projects@chroma-marketing.com
Knowledge Base
Explore help articles to help with how-to's and other information.
Use the handy search function to find what you are looking for!
WordPress Training
Sign up for a WordPress Training Class.
We'll show you what you want to know to manage your website. The class can range from 1/2 hour to 3 hours (@$70/hour*) depending on what you want to know.
Watch some videos, complete a questionnaire, then schedule a date. We'll meet you on Zoom and give you hands on training.
* A 1 hour training package may be included with a new website project.
Manage Domain Names
Update your payment information and manage your domain names.
If you don't know your password you'll have to reset it.
We can't reset your password for you. If you don't know your username, email address, or the answer to your secret question,
please email support@chroma-marketing.com or call 724-523-3001.
Login to Webmail
Go to https://wm.gds.us to login to your email on our website.
HINT: If you click the Remember Me toggle before logging in, you won't have to login in every time you visit the page.